
More than 70 killed in yemen by IS suicide bomber

IS Suicide Car Bomber Kills More Than 70 In Yemen 16:10, UK,   Monday   29   August   2016 Yemeni security forces stand guard at the site of a suicide car bombing Share on Twitter   Share on Facebook   Share on Google+   Share on Whatsapp   Share by email Scores of people have been killed in a suicide attack on an army training camp in Yemen's second city of Aden. The attacker was reported to have driven his vehicle into a group of new recruits at the camp on Monday, killing more than 70 and leaving dozens injured, doctors said. The bombing happened at an army recruiting centre in Aden The port city is the temporary base of the country's Gulf-backed government and has been the target of a number of bombings and shootings aimed at officials and security forces. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the group's Amaq news agency. Yemenis inspect the site of a suicide car bombing claimed by the Islamic Sta